Hubungan Depresi Ibu Pasca Persalinan Terhadap Perkembangan Motorik Dan Kognitif Anak Usia 1– 60 Bulan Berdasarkan Penghasilan Rendah Di Kecamatan Leuwiliang, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat Tahun 2019


  • Admin JIF


Mother Depression, Motor Development, Cognitive



Objective: This study examines the Linkage of Postpartum Mother Depression to Motor Development and cognitive of Children aged 1 - 60 months based on low family income in Leuwiliang District, Bogor Regency 2019.Method: The design of this study is an analysis of research using master research data entitled "Overview of Health Conditions of Pregnant and Developing Children aged 1 - 60 months in the Village with the Largest and Smallest Subject Population in Leuwiliang District in 2019" with a total sample of 200 people . Data collection by questionnaire. Data analysis includes univariate and bivariate analyzes using the Chi Square Test..Results: The results of this study show that low family income to postpartum maternal depression is low correlated with the direction of negative correlation. But statistically it showed significance (r = - 0.327, p = 0,000). The results of the relationship of low maternal income to motor development are low correlated with the direction of negative correlation and statistically not significant (r = - 0.162, p = 0.015). the result is that the relationship of maternal depression to motor development based on low income is not related to the value of Chi square (X2 Cal = 0.428 smaller than X2tab = 5.99) and statistically the relationship is not significant or not significant (p = 0.808).Conclusion: Mothers who experience depression and low income tend to have children with deviant motor development.

