Studi Deskriptif Strategy Coping Stress Pada Santri yang Berhasil Menyelesaikan Pendidikan di Pondok Pesantren X


  • Sri Ratnawati Universitas Binawan



Strategy coping stress, cognitive appraisal, coping resources


All stimuli that lead to stressful conditions are felt the same by students who persist and those who do not persist. Both interpret conditions such as strict regulations, a large number of subjects, boring activities, heterogeneous friends and being far from family as making them stressed/depressed. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of the Stress Coping Strategy in students who successfully completed their education to completion. This study is a quantitative descriptive study that aims to create a description, a systematic and factual picture of the Stress Coping Strategy. The sample used in this study was 63 second-grade SMA students. The results of the study showed that students used both types of Stress Coping Strategy in dealing with their problems. The confrontational coping type is the most widely used method by students to solve their problems.


