Pengaruh Intervensi Senam Lansia Terhadap Kadar Kolesterol LDL dan Total Kolesterol Lansia 60-72 Tahun Di Wilayah Desa Barengkok Kecamatan Leuwiliang Kabupaten Bogor Tahun 2017


  • Admin JIF


Elderly, LDL cholesterol and Total Cholesterol, Elderly Exercise



Objective: to determine the effect of the elderly exercise intervention on LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol for the elderly 60-72 years old. Methods : Using a quasi-experimental method with pre and post designs on the cute elderly group of 60 – 72 years according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria to see the effect of the elderly exercise intervention on LDL cholesterol levels and total cholesterol. Results: The results of this dependent t test obtained an insignificant value of 0.765 (p> 0.05) with mean value of LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol before intervention 180.5 and mean value of total cholesterol level after intervention 178.3. Where from the results before the intervention and after the elderly exercise intervention there was a difference of 2.176. Conclusion: The conclusion of the intervention before and after the elderly exercise on changes in total cholesterol levels showed insignificant results before and after giving the elderly exercise intervention. The mean value was not significant 0.765 (p > 0.05) with the mean value of total cholesterol before the intervention was 180.5 and the mean value of LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol after the intervention was 178.3. After the elderly exercise intervention there was a change in the value of total cholesterol levels, but statistically it did not have or was not significant.

